ron wyatt videos

Your email address will not be published. Here's a story I bet is far more common than gets reported. Not m. People who deny Christ's Divinity, that He is Lord of lords, are not privileged or qualified to represent Him in any way. Once I discovered the Temple Institute claims to know exactly where the original Ark of the Covenant is, I have changed my opinion. And I got a phone call on this that Ill share which was kind of unusual, its one of those things that made me decide to talk about it, to say something about it. The menorah may have been on its side under them. Best to just let it all be as Ron left it. One section says because we have always know exactly where it is. American Legion Lloyd G. Mc Carter Post 25 presented a $500.00 scholarship to Kaelyn Blackwell (left) of St. Maries at the regular monthly meeting on January 3, 2023. That would explain all those other virgin births Ed, the way that letter reads to me, it sounds like he thinks you believe that ark was found, but you're giving credit to the wrong man. His assistant, Jim Pinkoski, is quite an amusing fellow. Mary Nell on Ron Wyatt and the Ark of the Covenant REVISED. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at I assumed at the time that everybody who knew anything of Rons work had seen this tape along with all his other material. Flyer This Endtime tract is inspired by The Lord of the Rings visions of the Last Days by Tolkien. Its a vertical, vertical wall. Who really cares whether or not he found the Ark of the Covenant? Discovery of stone encampments and massive 10 story boulder in the region of the burnt mountain in Saudi Arabia. This world is starving for the bread of life, the word of truth that Jesus is waiting to give those that seek. On June 20, 1987, the Turkish government officially recognized the discovery of the remains of Noah's Ark in eastern Turkey with the dedication of Noah's Ark National Park. Ron Wyatt: I didnt know what to do with that. I hope I have given you something of the picture. I guess we will see. 4 pager A5 format. How close to the ceiling was the ark of the covenant stone case? Creation in the 21st Century with Dr. Carl Baugh, "Treasures from Mt. One night while watching a Bible based television news show I heard Ron Wyatt telling of his discovery of Noah's Ark, not up in the ice and snow where it would be almost impossible to get to, but in an area where you could actually go and check it out. These times in which we live March 2, 2015 @ (Synopsis), Nonlinear Optics, Back-of-Envelope Numbers. . Yeah, I leaned in and picked the tables of stone and backed away, and they lowered the mercy seat back into position. This video is part 1 of an event held at Biola University called Part 1 Part 2 [], Records of the Grand Historian Annals of Yin Qi of Yins mother was Jian Di, who was one of the daughters of Yousong and the secondary wife of Emperor Ku. Wyatt claimed the blood is still alive and multiplying. The ultimate purpose behind Ron's efforts is FOR THOSE TO BELIEVE AND FIND SALVATION IN CHRIST. So the Ark is Hidden and hidden quite well, BUT IS NOT LOST!!!h. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwins Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013). Thank you for providing this information. Ron Wyatt: Well, were more or less getting things into a routine. FAQ Paperback. Pretty sad, but it was worth the broken irony meters. 27:51). Youre welcome. Ron Wyatt: Im sorry. Video of Ron Wyatt Discoveries of Ron Wyatt by dennis schelles is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. And so, when I found it, it was in a situation that I had not anticipated or expected, that was that it was in a chamber that was totally filled with what appeared to be debris. Expdition 2007 1 529 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No et le Dluge Preuves Historiques et Scientifiques 1 588 Dec 7, 2016 l'Arche de No la recherche de l'Arche de No Midseason winner: Patrice Bergeron Just a few months ago, Bergeron broke Bob Gainey's record for most Selke awards by winning his sixth. Video Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 4 of 4 - Noah's Ark, 2017 (mirrored) Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 4 of 4 - Noah's Ark, 2017 (mirrored) Credit: Rumble Duration: 49:40s about 21 hours . 98,773 103. stands for "haploid". Ron has since shown proof that they did know him. December 6, 2014 @ To be honest it looked dark bronze, but I suppose that was the effect of the camera light which probably had a predominantly blue spectrum. The Jews have no say to keep things quiet and nor does anyone who cares for the body of the church in these end days. Required fields are marked *. He remembered the earthquake crack at the foot of the cross hole, and suddenly an awesome realization as to what had happened, came over him. That's just a guess. Sorry. But from whom can you trust? This is why people started calling Ron a fraud. If theres anything I can do for you, or Mary Nell, give me a call, and well do what we can. That information might assist those who want to find the tape. > What type of lighting used? I was an eye-witness of Rons tape of the inside of the cave. [From going to Visitor Centre on that site, because the referred page does not exist any more, then go to FAQ and then there is the above information on the Ark of the Covenant which certainly does not negate Ron Wyatts version.]. So the one angel talked to me and briefly said that they been watching over the Ark of the Covenant since Moses had put the tables of stone in there, and that God wanted everyone to see this at a particular time. The Set It Up actress and husband Wyatt Russell, who share son Buddy, welcomed a new puppy in January 2023. Im so glad I stumbled on this tonight. They are in the chamber. 3:18 In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. If the calculational framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%." Jian Di picked it [], Mausoleums of the Yellow Emperor [courtesy] Huangling County is located on the Loess Plateau of northwest China in Shaanxi Province. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark . The place looked like a lumber room, with things everywhere all over the floor, and of course all those heaps of skins, so that you would have to clamber over one thing to look at the next. In June of 1999, the late Bill Fry, former president of Anchorstone International interviewed Ron Wyatt by phone concerning his experiences in the Ark of the Covenant chamber. And that proof will stay throughout eternity. Your email address will not be published. Maybe they just relied on the "looks like wood to me" test. If Ivan Panin found 43,000 pages of Math in the scriptures, we have barely scratched the surface to God's ways. I did ask him questions about the Ark, about the tables of stone, and about the book of the law. Please make a tax-deductible donation if you value independent science communication, collaboration, participation, and open access. FIRST: THE SOLID FACTS! Ron Wyatt summarizes original findings in Ark chamber and performs sub-surface radar scans. But he is a man to whom strange, and sometimes dangerous, things just happen. Bill Fry: Okay. And I said, Well, I dont do that. And I have a you know, I just havent done that. From the opening shot it was on the right hand side at the back, if the camera was central that is. Watch on. . First Century Jerusalem 30 Feet Underground Richard Rives and Wayne Farris, Picture Credit Wyatt Archaeological Research. And then I just stood there with the tables of stone, and the angel came and got them, and took them from my hands, and put them on a stone shelf, or ledge, whatever. Joey Barta, Dimercia Spooner and Bryan Chase. Test them in my word, Jesus says. Ron Wyatt Ron Wyatt answers questions from the audience in this 1997, Q & A session. Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and this is why I say I had rather not. If so what did he say? Ron Wyatt: Yeah, and on top of the tables of stone, they were both there. Former President Donald Trump recently phoned into the conservative podcast "The Water Cooler" on Monday. This evidences that the person to whom this blood belonged to had a mother but no human father, because the normal contribution of paternal chromosomes is missing. Perhaps as a last warning to the Antichrist world not to mess with Gods children? Jim Pinkoski? Chinese Gospel Tract about Heavenly City. Ron Wyatt: And there is a little bit of conundrum: it wasnt stated as the mark of the beast law, it was stated, when the Sunday law, but I tell people, and I think its wiser to tell people that, since its not lying or deceiving, is that when the mark of the beast law is in force. Bill Fry: Well, thats the nature of the caves and tunnels, if youve been in them before. Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. [], Tommy is the true story from days gone by, about a handicapped boy who couldnt even leave his home. It's not a good idea to showcase a galaxy for you every Messier Monday, considering that even a crescent Moon can render most of them completely unobservable. And he seemed to be an honest guy and all of that, and I dont think he could have made that description without having seen it, theres no way it could have happened. page 2. > 6. > 7. The second covenant is by grace through the shed blood of Christ. And that is, that I got a phone call from this fellow, and he says, Ron, he says, would you describe what the Ark of the Covenant, what it looked like, to me? At that point, I turned it on and went on to the angels went and took the corners of each of the ark, of the mercy seat, and lifted it, and the one angel that talked with me said, Get the tables of stone out of the Ark of the Covenant. So I went over and leaned down, and took them out. Self 2012 Myth Hunters (TV Series documentary) Self - Ark Hunter - The Quest for Noah's Ark (2012) . Tommy the Handicapped Window Missionary (tr. After "workshopping" the names Lucille and Jolene, they ultimately chose Dolly. That afternoon he had some specimens from the Red Sea Crossing and Noah's Ark for us to look at . Well, on the excavation there, that, you know, for the Ark of the Covenant, primarily I was interested in just the Ark of the Covenant. Go to visitor center then go to frequently asked questions. Does Ron say anything on the tape? Bill Fry: Ron, could you speak up? They stand a great deal to lose if the Ark is revealed for it will prove to the whole world that there really was a Holy Temple, and thus, that the Jews really do have a claim to the Temple Mount. People like this do not sit about in the evenings flicking through the TV channels. It is our A.P. Mount Sinai, (in Arabia) Sodom and Gomorrah, among many others not quite so famous. > 2. This gives us hope and faith to continue our calling, tasks for Jesus in this life, as we still have [], Based on a true story about James Rutz. What would be the purpose of finding or revealing the ark since the fist covenant with the Israelites were to be God with them in the ark. She is seen here pictured with her family members. The Romans crucified people there, of course. Thank you. The tape stays where it is.. Ron Wyatt . But for all that, it would be hard to think of a more suitable man to be keeper of something like this. But this time, a student has been taping the, Thanks to Bartholomew for linking me to this blog by a rabbi named Lazer Brody who almost makes Yehuda Levin seem sane by comparison. What quality is it? No. Ron Wyatt Family Website Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Videos Play all 5:43 Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained 18K views7 months ago 1:04:14 Sodom & Gomorrah with. By the whole thing. Bill Fry: Okay. Its an earlier tape. WOE unto Antichrist Amerika! Watch Videos Then when word got out and people checked with Israeli Antiquities they denied even knowing who Ron was. And so, anyway, he told me to set up my, um. 21 & 22, The Intercessor Trad. I have a feeling that Goliaths sword was there, but I have no particular mental image of it; just that we discussed it between ourselves, and the reason for our discussing it was probably that it was in there. Wyatt was a nurse anesthetist (now deceased) who claimed not only to have found Noah's Ark, but to have found virtually everything in Biblical archaeology that might be important to Christians - Noah's Ark, the exact place where the Red Sea was parted to allow the Israelites to escape Egypt, the true location of Mt. Ron Wyatt. Bill Fry: That would be great, it would be great. And so, anyway, I said, Why do you ask? and he seemed a little distressed with the whole thing, you know, and he said, Well, I had a dream. And I dont remember if it was the night before I was talking to him, or that day, or anyway, it hadnt been too long since he had this dream, and he said, Ive been praying since I heard about the Ark of the Covenant, that the Lord would let me see what it looked like, I just felt a real burden to see what it looked like, and he said, I had this dream, and I was in this chamber in this dream, and he said, The Ark of the Covenant was right there in front of me. Basically, and he said, However, the wall behind the Ark of the Covenant, and he described it perfectly, you know. Bill Fry: And that was shortly after Reverend White retired. Bill Fry: And was that the first time you had been through it? We have seen the videos of the Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and we place a 100% disclaimer on the organization. Eyewitness Testimony About Ark of the Covenant Video - Anchor Stone International July 21, 2014 Eyewitness Testimony About Ark of the Covenant Video This may be an appropriate time to mention publicly that I and several other Christians have watched with our own eyes a video which Ron shot inside the cave before the furniture was re-arranged. These are actually 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Ron Wyatt: Yes, that is correct, at that point in time. Have you ever talked to Ron about the tape? Then he got a plan to reach others. Ron Wyatt's Discoveries - Part 3 of 4 - Ark of the Covenant, 2017 (mirrored): Ron Wyatt's.. News video on One News Page on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 If you do not have the Real, NOAH'S ARK . Read More Analysis reveals metal content in specimen taken from 'Ark' site in Turkey Metal content found in petrified specimens from boat shaped formation in mountains of Eastern Turkey, indicates a man-made object assembled with metal fittings. Remember to invite friends a. Bill Fry: Right. A supposed archaeologist by the name of Ron Wyatt claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant with Christ's blood upon the Mercy Seat of it. Click for Interview & Transcript. January 8, 2016 @ His assistant, Jim Pinkoski, is quite an amusing fellow. In addition, more than 53,000 photos were taken. Ron Wyatt videos, Richard Rives RON WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH INC This is a discussion of the inter-connectivity of the Hebrew Roots movement, the late Ron Wyatt of Wyatt Archaeological Research Inc, and Seventh Day Adventism. Theres going to be a large number of people there. There are many theories about what happened to the Ark of the Covenant, and speculation abounds as to its actual location. I think if the Lord had wanted somebody to give a detailed account of the tape He would have chosen somebody other than me to see it! Tradition records that even as King Solomon built the First Temple, he already knew, through Divine inspiration, that eventually it would be destroyed. You really can't write comedy like this. Contact Us, Subscribe to our (The official position of the Islamic Wakf, the body that governs over the Temple Mount, is that there never was a Holy Temple, and that the Jews have no rights whatsoever to the place). Same answer as that to question 5 Im afraid. Home Richard also recalls the account of William Albright and Josephus relating to these cities. Ron Wyatt: Up to that time I had not had any success with any kind of reproduction attempt that I made that included Polaroid cameras, 35 mm cameras, a VHS camera, video system. Ron traced the earthquake crack, and indeed it was the same crack as the one at the cross hole. > 8. Bill Fry: So its not just as simple as walking through a tunnel? > 10. MORE . In this post, he talks of Levin's, A small newspaper in Michigan, the Argus Leader, has had quite a series of letters to the editor over the last few weeks after printing an article about Dick DeVos and his position that ID ought to be taught. One has since gone to be with the Lord, but the others are still alive. There were 22 autosomal chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Ron Wyatt: Thats right, as far as I know. You can not change the world? 105,224 281. The templeinstitute has no Ark page (404 errror) anymore and searches on the site are scant for ark. Under Study Tools pulldown menu where the Vessels of the Tabernacle are listed the Ark is conspicuously missing! An attempt was made some few years ago to excavate towards the direction of this chamber. It was only when Bill Fry intercepted a post of mine to this list that I realised that this was not so. blood chromosome discovery faith impact Official Videos of Trey Smith testimony Trey Smith 2016-06-23 The Washington Post has a report on the new group. Ron Wyatt Books | List of books by author Ron Wyatt Holiday Sale: Use promo code HOLIDAY22 Get 15% all used books $5+ Ron Wyatt Most Popular Books Discovered- Noah's Ark Discovered: Noah's Ark Books by Ron Wyatt Discovered- Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 11.64 Discovered: Noah's Ark Ron Wyatt $ 25.49 Excellent Based on 1,117,178 reviews Verified 3:16 And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more. It is well done and well worth purchasing. They were folded up as you would fold a lot of blankets, and some were obviously covering large objects underneath. I dont know if that makes any sense to you or not. And I guess I should say a couple of words here, that the Ark of the Covenant was not covered in all this debris like everything else. UFOs look like wingless spacecraft without obvious engines and come in different shapes: discs, [], Christians are careful, afraid to call a spade a spade, often accused by present day progressive cultural Marxist Critical Theory of being judgmental, so we often have to walk on eggs. . Where does Jer. They live very full, and sometimes dangerous, lives. Ron Wyatt said that the blood of Christ ran down through that crevice and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of , In Sept. 1960, 27 year old Ron Wyatt, along with thousands of other people, read an article in Life Magazine about a strange boat-shaped formation in the mountains of Ararat: NOAHS ARK? In each set of 23, 22 chromosomes are autosomal and one is sex-determining. Amazing documentary! I just wanted to comment on your statement on 7 years of tribulation. Ron Wyatt a Con Man?! And there are several things that are rather remarkable about what had happened there: the place was cleaned up, and the Ark of the Covenant was sitting against the wall at the east end of the cave, and the cave is not perfectly oriented east, west, north, or south, its just on the eastern end, basically, of that. Bill Fry: This is the wall behind the ark? Beyond the scope of this chamber that everybody who knew anything of Rons tape of the picture was! The direction of this chamber true story from Days gone by, about a handicapped who... Is the wall behind the Ark of the tables of stone and away!, participation, and on top of the burnt mountain in Saudi.... Behind ron & # x27 ; s efforts is for those to BELIEVE and SALVATION. 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