project management quiz 1

f(x)=\frac{11x}{x-5} Coordinates customer and/or industry requests relative to acquisition solutions to assist with general inquiries, training, or other facilitated conversations. The utilization of skills, knowledge, and experience to effectively manage resources to complete work activities required to accomplish a project objective. Write clean and elegant code using React and Java 2. All predecessor activities (A, B, C) have to be completed before the merge activity (D) can begin. \text{Number of manual orders} & \text{0} & \text{30}\\ A person who focuses on long-term goals and big-picture objectives, while inspiring people to reach those goals. Objective: The purpose of this quiz is to assess your understanding of Project Management Chapter 1. A set of principles that guide our deision making based on personal values of what is "right" and "wrong". Hands-on experience in supervising a team of technicians in production line<br> Certified in AutoCAD and Microsoft Office Project<br> Certified in Test de Connaissance du franais pour le Qubec, University of Qubec . should contain, at a minimum, the following project information: Project objectives Project deliverables Product scope Work breakdown structure (WBS) Acceptance criteria Scope validation and control processes Special exclusions Regulatory requirements Internal or external restrictions or limitations General description of high-level risk Assumptions. task. Resources can be underestimated. Authorization for scheduling falls under two general categories: human resources and facilities or equipment. product or service, produced or provided as part of a project. _____ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. When projects are evaluated for selection, one primary criterion is how fast the profits can be returned to the organization. A Non-parametric Test should be used if just one distribution is not Normal out of the two or more gathered. A relationship wherein a successor activity cannot start until a predecessor activity has started. D) variable cost. \begin{matrix} (A) What is the discount? The technical and sociocultural dimensions of project management are two sides to the same coin. This definition includes development of each process type, the intended management of each process, and how each process is monitored and controlled. This connection can be established through an organization preparing a proposal suggesting how it would meet a specific customer demand based on an advertised requirement from that customer; this is called a _________. <br><br>In 2021, I transitioned to data by teaching myself SQL, Python, and Tableau.<br><br> Work<br>I'm working at DataLemur ( where I document, test and improve 100+ SQL questions, solutions and hints. Which of the following activities is not considered a project? \text{Electronic order processing (Number of electronic orders)} & \text{200.000} & \text{12.500 orders}\\ $$, $$ Proactively identifying high-probability and high-impact _____ events simply means identifying them and having a plan of action ready in case they occur. +60,000 - 70,000 p/a. Ongoing activity to create product, service or result. Why is this approach important in today's environment? Support and maintenance C. Evolution D. Retirement Reveal Solution Discussion Question #58 Topic 1 Assume you are a Test Manager involved in system testing of a CRM application for a Pay-TV company. +Sole British Nationality required. It is typical that activities on the critical path have zero slack/ float. Project charter, Customer specifications, Statement of work, Stakeholder register, Stakeholder management plan, Subject matter expert, & Historical data. Compute the total revenue that Werley would receive from University and Memorial. numerical; project selection that utilizes more specific numerical data gathered on the project activities. _________ can include special conditions from the customer, availability of suppliers for critical items required, special contracted services, and governmental regulatory conditions that have to be met. This is the fifth of six courses that will provide you the knowledge and abilities you need to apply for entry-level project management positions. B) opportunity cost But the SQL data does not show. fall somewhere in between functional and projectized structures depending on how many projects they engage in and how well developed their selection processes have become based on those projects. This will be in under 3 hours from now so please make sure you have completed your chosen exam by this time. Q. The minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment. Identify the five steps involved in the managerial decision-making process. The SICC Review Course is designed to help prepare you for the certification exam using proven instructional design techniques and interactive learning tools. The team operates within many short blocks of time Project processes are repeated many times during the life cycle of the project Corona News: Nachrichten von heute zum Coronavirus und der Pandemie in Deutschland aktuell. defines four primary functions the project manager will carry out in the project life cycle: Develop a master schedule of project activities Develop a proposed project budget Monitor and report the status of project activities Implement controls to ensure project activities stay on schedule and budget. Work cannot begin on the successor activities until all work on the burst activity has been completed. a plan that primarily outlines processes for the make or buy and use of internally or externally contracted resource type decisions, supplier selection, and in some cases, first article validation processes; it also defines purchase and approval authority. A work package activity with two or more dependent activities (predecessors) in the network flowing to it. Costs that organizations must fund to stay in business. Worley sets its prices for all hospitals by marking up its cost of goods sold to those hospitals by 5%. Project Management Quiz - 30 Questions with Answers Project Management Quiz Project Management Questions and Answers: Ques. Using the information included in the activity dependency matrix, the project manager can now begin to formulate the structure of a network diagram using the_______. AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile. Question #64 Topic 1. The project's initial investment is $9.2 million. C) period cost Organizations that are structured for projects might have some of the traditional departments such as human resources, accounting, and engineering as supporting functions, but they operate solely off the structure of projects where project managers have complete authority. defines four primary functions the project manager will carry out in the project life cycle: Develop a master schedule of project activities Develop a proposed project budget Monitor and report the status of project activities Implement controls to ensure project activities stay on schedule and budget Profit centers Course Project Management Test Week 1 Chapter 1 Quiz Started 4/10/21 4:52 PM Submitted 4/10/21 5:09 PM Due Date 4/12/21 9:00 AM Status Completed Attempt Score 25 out of 25 points Time Elapsed 17 minutes Instructions This quiz covers Chapter 1 of your textbook. Are there vibrant environmental contemplations? Benefits minus cost, or income minus expenses. Yes. ________ include all detailed information defining specific requirements to project deliverables. The _______ normally consists of an identifiable element of work that has to be completed and the expected time duration. establishes one or more activities that need to be completed before the next activities connected in the network can begin. This includes a breakdown of specific tasks to be completed and identification of all costs, schedule requirements, and specific resources needed to complete all project activities. These types of special tasks are called ___. \text{Number of electronic orders} & \text{15} & \text{0}\\ Leading warehousing project for 1 of the . 1. Compute Worley's customer margin for University and Memorial. If an organization produces a more specific type product and customers require several unique variations of the product based on their application, the organization groups these unique product projects into a program for specific customers. The code is as follows. The network diagram typically flows starting at the left and moving toward the right. Strategic plans are implemented primarily through projectse.g., a new product, a new information system, a new plant for a new product. \end{array} Agile Project Management Weekly Challenge 1 Quiz Answer Weekly Challenge 1 Question 1) Agile project management works well with projects that take an iterative approach. ________ may be upper management, project team staff, and customers, each having different connections to the project and requiring individual management plans. usually represents activities that have no leeway in duration or have zero float/ slack; consequently, if activities on the ______ fall behind schedule, they will affect the overall duration of the project. In ______, there are four variations of paths, depending on dependency relationships: series, parallel, burst, and merge. Two work package activities that can be performed simultaneously having no predecessor or successor relationship dependencies between the two activities. Describe the purchasing behaviors that are likely to characterize Worley's least profitable customers. * For every project that has been selected for consideration, there needs to be an approval process that formally creates the project and allows work activities to commence; this is called the________. may be in the form of product or service modifications, but may also come from other areas internal or external to the organization; they include Documentation updates Project management plan updates Work performance information Change requests through the change control process Organizational process updates Regulatory requirements. Separated by machine types. The following definitions help clarify two commonly misused terms in _______: project management plan & project plan. Costs that organizations have discretion in deciding whether to fund them. An optimal way recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective. Thus, the study provides new insight into the influence mechanism of organizational leadership on the project management performance, taking project citizenship behavior as a mediating variable. In the breakdown of a project deliverable, the most important element is for the project manager to ensure that he has broken down work into its smallest components. A firm believer in lifelong learning. Ex. a method for software development that uses new approaches, focusing on close collaboration between programming teams and business experts. Practice all cards. Activities that can be accomplished simultaneously are called __ activities. Have a specific objective. Today, we'll publish the complete week's worth of quiz answers from Coursera's Agile Project Management course. Reveal Solution Discussion. was originally developed by DuPont Inc. during the same time frame as PERT; it is used primarily in the construction industry because project managers have found it easier to estimate activity durations. Project Cost Management Principles Quiz With Questions And Answers! <br/>A total of 35.7% (2,409/6,751) of . In the ____ phase, the project team perform and complete work activities. Because the organization typically has established departments to complete certain activities for daily operations, some of these areas produce things for profit, called _____; other areas within the operation complete tasks to support the _____, such as administration, accounting, and human resources. Be sure to give it a shot and go over the questions as many times as you need to. The functional manager still holds authority over her department, but the project manager can hold an equal level of authority in overseeing resources from several departments in managing a project. is the most critical process of the project life cycle because it not only defines the details of project deliverables, but also yields definitions in the structure of all work activities required to meet project objectives. Estimate of time required to complete the activity. Selected intern's day-to-day responsibilities include: 1. _____ also can have a start but not necessarily an end. Project Quality Management (PMP) Quiz Quality, Si| 10 random questions are presented each time you take this quiz. Although this step appears to be gathering information on details of project deliverables, the project manager needs to define more information regarding other areas of the project and project environment within the organization. This process starts at the end of the network diagram and works its way from right to left, starting with the last node and following the arrows backward through all predecessor items. The amount of time an activity's start can be delayed without affecting the overall project. The following example shows how the ______ process is conducted. Actual numerical data such as size, quantities, temperatures, and financial data can be used more accurately to objectively assess projects for selection. The project manager has a combination of individuals with authority as well as the use of departments and functional managers carrying authority. Provides reports to management, as required. Project Management MCQs Q. Subtract the duration of the activity from the LF value to derive the LS value for that activity: LF Duration = LS. Number of projects in cue. Greetings!! Me in 10 seconds<br>Accountant turned data analyst who finds joy in working with data. Have defined start and end dates. Worley gathered the data below for two of the many hospitals that it serves-University and Memorial (both hospitals purchased a total quantity of medical supplies that had cost Worley $30,000 to buy from its manufacturers):$ A person who deals with the day to day details of meeting specific goals. Question 8) Fill in the blank: A ______ has a clear outcome and a clearly-defined start and end date. Although project managers are encouraged to develop tools like this on their own, the _____ should include, at a minimum, the following information: identifier, description, material required, work activity, human resources, equipment/facilities, time duration, activity cost, predecessors, risks. Try our quick project management quiz to test your knowledge! is the process by which information gathered on each individual activity is analyzed to see whether there are relationships between activities that would suggest the proper placement of activities within the project schedule. To create a _______ , the project manager must ensure certain processes have been completed and documentation has been created as a prerequisite to organizing work activities in the ______. project. SWOT analysis (external and internal) 3. formulate strategies 4. implement strategies 5. evaluate results. This tool also incorporates letter designations for identifying roles and responsibilities at each point on the project, but includes consulting and reporting roles as well. B. Participate in the testing process through test review and analysis and test execution 5. This work package activity has been identified to have two or more immediate successor activities flowing away from it. Agile Project Management Quiz 1 Agile Project Management Practise Exam is the gateway to get yourself assessed with the fundamentals of Agile Project Management and Delivery Agile Project Management Quiz 2 Agile Project Management Practise Exam is the gateway to get yourself assessed with the fundamentals of Agile Project Management and Delivery Process or product improvements for the organization. Explain. Learn and implement code using Spring Boot, Hibernate/Spring JPA, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB 3. Authorization to perform work activity can fall within the tasks of any responsible person overseeing a work activity. These activities (B and C only) can be performed simultaneously. Many organizations find duplicate or unneeded projects after they perform which step in project portfolio management? These can also be internal or external to the organization but are more specific to individuals who have influence or direct responsibilities on the project. What does this mean? Categories. Five basic elements of project selection models. Structure - Functional, matrix, or projectized. The ______ is used to outline a high-level description of the project objective and deliverable. To keep track of your finances To help you keep track of each key stage of the project To speed up your work process To delegate all your tasks to others Further Resources: One Week Time Management Plan: Three Famous Techniques Questions and Answers. responsibility, accountability, consultative, and informative (RACI) matrix. The output of this phase is the official completion of the project, archiving of all project documentation and artifacts, and creation of "lessons learned" documentation. In this phase, activities include review of the project objective, customer specifications, and determination of initial stakeholders. 2. In the______, stakeholders generate two primary documents: the project charter and stakeholder registry. This process starts at the end of the network diagram and moves backward through all paths to the beginning of the network diagram. This plan, in general, outlines what information is to be effectively and efficiently transmitted, how and when that is accomplished, and who are the appropriate recipients. The project manager now analyzes each activity in the work breakdown structure to determine what type of dependency each activity has relative to other activities and what start or finish relationship these activities will have based on that dependency. All successor activities (B, C, D) can start only when that burst activity (A) has been completed. network diagram and activity interdependencies. The project manager learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. can reveal details of project plans; work activities; cost and schedule outcomes; procurements activities; and use of human resources, equipment, and facilities. The utilization of skills, knowledge, and managerial experience to effectively oversee the completion of program objectives, projects, and work activities required in the overall portfolio objective. Each activity's float/ slack is a calculation based on the overall network performance of activities and can change throughout the project life cycle as activities are completed. \text{Other organization-sustaining costs (None)} & \text{602.000}\\ The 5 Process Groups answer choices Identifying Initiating Planning Monitoring and Controlling Closing Question 4 20 seconds Q. What is included in the triple constraint of project management? \begin{matrix} are individuals who have either knowledge or experience of specific details pertaining to the project and/ or product or service deliverables. Adding the duration of that activity onto the ES produces the EF value: ES + Duration = EF. the length of a project and the value of money at that point in time. ____ typically have a combination of routinely produced deliverables as well as unique and specialized projects. International professional society for project managers. Larger organizations that do business in multiple unrelated markets divide operations into separate business units. How each of the nine _____ is managed: scope management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communications management, risk management, procurement management, & stakeholder management. These components, called_______, are what the project manager uses to define details required for each component of work. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. $$ This includes all functionality, characteristics, performance specifications, documentation, and expected quality targets. Project Management Question Bank PDF covers problem solving exam tests from project management textbook and practical book's chapters as: Chapter 1: Advance Project Management MCQs Chapter 2: Advance Project Strategic Management MCQs Chapter 3: Contemporary Organizations Design MCQs Chapter 4: Negotiation and Conflict Management MCQs Write tests using JUnit, Mockito, React Testing Library, and Chakra/Selenium for end-to-end testing 5. Start by selecting one path, and as the first node marks the beginning of project activities, the ES begins with a value of zero. Samsung. Chapter 1: Advance project management quiz Chapter 2: Advance project strategic management quiz Chapter 3: Contemporary organizations design quiz Chapter 4: Negotiation and conflict management quiz Chapter 5: Strategic management quiz Chapter 6: Project activity planning quiz Chapter 7: Project auditing quiz Approximately what percentage of the world's gross domestic product is spent on projects? Developing a plan to manage the _____ also includes developing processes that control and validate information used in developing the project schedule. Answer: B "Project is a time-limited endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result." What is a Project Triple Constraint? Microsoft AZ-104: Azure Administrator Exam Prep Test. The following example illustrates how a _______ process is conducted. are common to the selection process, regardless of how much actual analytical data is available: realism, capability, flexibility, ease of use, & cost. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result, A group of related projects designed to accomplish a common goal over an extended period of time, A process of managing a group of ongoing, interdependent, related projects in a coordinated way to achieve strategic objectives. Human resources 3. Stakeholders might not agree on what success looks like External risks can affect project success. is a document in which initial high-level data and information concerning a proposal of activities that will result in an output deliverable are compiled for analysis and approval. False. \text{Customer deliveries (Number of deliveries)} & \text{\$ 500.000} & \text{5.000 deliveries}\\ Question 18) Imagine an auto manufacturer has a project to build a new model of car. Now that the initial idea of the project or charter has been approved, more specific details of work activities can be identified and sequentially categorized into work packages and documented in a work breakdown structure. The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Planning __________ should include, at a minimum, a project hierarchy, a responsibility assignment matrix, and a definition of authority matrix. Activities that cannot be started because they are dependent on prior activities connected in the network being completed. Take this project cost management principles quiz today in order to test your knowledge and find out how well you know these basic concepts and theories. ______ defining a _____ can be both specific and generalized in nature. The APMG Sample Exams site will be offline for routine maintenance on: 09 January 2023, between 15:30 and 22:00 UTC ( 15:30 and 22:00 GMT ). $0 $19.99. What is NOT a major benefit of grouping projects into programs? True. +Chertsey Surrey. These activities (A, B, C, D) typically have no other dependency requirements, and no other activities are attached to them. Multinational Manufacturing Company. Additional information that is required but not necessarily found in the ______ for an activity might include: Relationship to other activities, Constraints, & Identified risks. Project managers play a key . C. A project manager, project team, stakeholders D. Contract and SLA. \end{matrix} $$ 4. $1. This process is considered to be one of the most critical elements of a project because many aspects of the project are defined at this point. ___are less unique, have a start, but might not necessarily stop unless the organization no longer has a requirement for that product or service. & + & \$147,470& = &\$475,000\\ \hline The merge activity is not able to begin until all dependent activities reporting to it are completed. Better control of financial, physical and human resources 2. Work on mid-level designs and contribute to high-level designs and participate in design reviews 3. ? Actual work to be performed, such as "write software code," "pour concrete," "design printed circuit board," or "design the machine housing.". To decide whether a project is feasible and should continue at the beginning, key individuals should complete the following seven general elements during the ______: Identify a need, problem, or opportunity Define the project scope Identify a project objective and deliverable Determine general estimates of cost, r roject Lifecycle (FT Press Operations Management) (p. 27 stakeholders Assign a project manager Commit initial financial resources required to complete the objective. 5x^{2} + 16x + 3 Tools: Selenium Webdriver Test Automation, Visual Studio 2019, LINQ, TestNG, Jmeter, BDD, TDD, Jira, Microsoft Azure DevOps o Managed entire delivery of test automation of SharePoint Web Applications of CBE for 180+ complex integrated scenarios using Microsoft ADO, VS, C#, Selenium Webdriver, Data-Driven + Modular Driven BDD Framework Sample Papers. After the network diagram is complete and the project has begun, information about each activity needs to be updated and may result in changes to activity relationships, durations, activity float/ slack, and the critical path, which can result in updates to the overall duration of the project. A technique that provides a systematic process for basing project selection on numerous criteria. Are there constrictions right? \end{matrix} The process of determining long-term objectives by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, studying opportunities and threats in the business environment, predicting future trends and projecting the need for new products and services. If yes, then how many pieces and what are they labeled? Any primary risks that could have a significant impact on the project budget or schedule. In this post you will get Quiz Answer Of Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management Offered By "University of Virginia" Enroll Now Use "Ctrl+F" To Find Any Questions Answer. All the best! Two primary components of contract negotiation are the type of contract and its scope. The _______ is created during the charter process. Project management maturity of the organization 2. If the trinomial cannot be factored , so state. is simply a reminder of what information will be gathered for each work activity so the project managers have all the information needed to properly define, sequence, schedule, and budget work activities. Which project management responsibility does this represent? $$ Financial resources 6. \text{Number of line items picked} & \text{120} & \text{250}\\ The selection model should require a review of the organization's capabilities, level of technology, and general fit in the current business portfolios of projects. 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project management quiz 1